Monday, January 29, 2007

Baby Rock!

I found this website the other night, and it's so cool! It sells "baby rock records," which are albums of popular rock bands set to soothing music for baby's easy listening. What a great idea! I had already planned on making cd's of the more mellow songs of my favorite bands, but this is even better. And the cool thing is, the band selection is awesome. Led Zeppelin (my fave), Coldplay, Tool. Check it out and listen to the little clips- very neat!

Friday, January 26, 2007

I Bought It!

After checking countless stores, including the two biggest Targets in my area, and not finding the bouncer anywhere, I just bought it online. I saved a couple of dollars. Woo-Hoo. I was just scared that it wouldn't be available later on, so I had to act. Maybe when I get it next week I'll test it out by putting my smaller cat in it. I'm sure she'll love that!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sensory Selections Bouncer

There's this bouncy seat that I've seen and I love, and I can never find it in any store that the web says carries it. So, I've decided I'm going to just order it. I know, I should just register for it, and let someone else get it. But why do that if I see it on sale? I'd rather pay 30-something bucks for it than have someone else get it for 50, you know? It has ranged in price from 30.63 to 50.00 on these various sites. Of course, it was on sale last week on one of the sites, and now back up again. And Wal-Mart, who has it for the best price, is out of stock at the moment, of course! I wonder if that means they'll get it again, or what? Anyway, here's a picture of the cute little bouncer. (Baby NOT included!) They say babies see primary colors first, so I'm really into this one.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Not Feeling Too Shabby

It's weird. I haven't felt really sick to my stomach for a couple of weeks. It's kinda cool, but whenever Dan asks me how I am feeling, and I say, "good!", he is disappointed! It's like he'd rather I'd be heaving all the time. My mother tells me that she was never really sick during her pregnancies, so I'm probably just lucky like her. I am having a hard time with the whole eating smaller meals thing, though. They say you should eat smaller, more frequent meals, so you don't get too full, or too hungry in between meals, yadda yadda yadda.

So, here's what happens every day- I wake up pretty hungry, I eat some cereal or a begal, and then I usually take about two or three hours to digest it, so I don't really do much, b/c I am stuffed. Then, I get hungry again, and eat a small lunch, digest again for a few hours, and this is when I get really tired, and again I don't really do much. It's a good thing I am only working one or two days a week, b/c this is a crazy way to be! At dinner time, I usually don't have much of an appetite, and whatever I eat makes me feel so bloated, and I love to lay down at night to watch tv, b/c of course I am so tired by 7pm, but it takes hours for me to be able to do this after dinner. And Dan and I were just saying today that we can't wait until there's more proof that there's a baby in there, and my belly starts to stick out like it should. Come on, already! Show me something!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Ultrasound!

Well, I got a scanner, so I can finally show you our ultrasound pictures! Yay! I love this thing! I'm going to try not to go crazy with it, but it's tough. This is the best picture they gave us of the little jumping bean. He/she was moving around a lot as soon as the u/s started. It was crazy! This was taken on January 9th. Hopefully we'll get another one soon.

Friday, January 12, 2007

My First Appt. with OB

Well, I had my first check-up at my OB's office, and everything looks good on that end. My uterus is about the size of a grapefruit, which is wierd. My nurse practitioner, who has seen me more than any of the Dr.'s have, is leaving. So, I am a bit bummed. She was really excited for me, though, asking me how it happened and what not. I told her that it was b/c she gave me a prescription for Clomid, and it was on the month we WEREN'T spending the extra money on an IUI. She started shouting, "I got you pregnant!" It was funny. I told Dan, and he was amused. I assured him that he had a part in it, too. Boy, I am pooped! And now I am going to make some dinner. German meatballs with egg noodles. That's huge for me, considering my low energy level. At least I don't feel as gross as I did a couple of weeks ago.


My Crib Bedding Set

Good morning! I just came accross a picture of my crib bedding set that I took to show the girls on the TwoWeekWait website I am on often. I figured I'd share it with you. I have had it for over a year, and I found it online at It was on clearance, so it was a steal! I like the design b/c it's a bit retro looking, and I like green since we won't be finding out the sex of the baby.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

We Did It!

We're pregnant! And this time, things look great! We had our first ultrasound on December 15, and it was a wonderful Christmas present to see there was something in the correct place! We were so nervous, since the last two times we were in for an u/s during a pregnancy, they found nothing. The second u/s I went by myself, since Dan couldn't get off work. We heard the heartbeat for the first time, and the peanut had grown so much in two weeks! I couldn't believe it! The doctor said there was good blood flow, and you could see these two portions of the heart beating away.

I've been going to a Reproductive Specialist, who's doctors are very nice, and really seem to care about their patients. It's been a lot nicer going to the doctor's office to have the ultrasounds, since they tell you right away if things are good or not. When I would go to the hospital during my last pregnancies, we had a technician that really didn't know us, or tell us much of anything.

This morning, I went to my final u/s at my specialist, since they only see me through the first ten weeks or so. This time Dan went with me. It was the first time he got to hear the heartbeat, and he was thrilled! It was amazing how big the little peanut has gotten since the 28th of December! It doesn't really look like a peanut anymore! It actually was moving when we were looking at it. It was so cool! My doctor told me that he thinks my due date is Aug 14, and not the 17th, which is what the other doctor told me last time. The 14th seems more accurate to me. I go to my regular ob this Friday for the first real exam. I really like my ob office and my nurse practitioner, and it should be nice to show up there again, knowing I have a viable pregnancy this time. Once I get a scanner (yeah- I don't own a scanner!) I will put up the pictures they gave me so far of the little baby-to-be. It just amazes me how big he/she has gotten in such a short amount of time. It'll be August before I know it!