This past Friday was an awesome day for me. I had my monthly check-up, and although I was a bit nervous that we'd find something was wrong, it was all good. I just worry b/c I don't really "feel" all that pregnant. The doctor tried to hear the heartbeat with a Doppler machine, and nothing was happening. I was freaking out inside, but trying not to show it. But, she said she had a sonogram machine we could use to check things out, and she didn't want to try for too long, so I wouldn't freak out. I didn't know they had a sonogram machine there. She told me not to expect it to be as high-tech as the one I am used to at the fertility clinic, but it would do the job.
She put the thingy on my belly, and after a second, we could see the little bugger! The heartbeat wasn't audible, but we could see the heart move. It was so awesome to see him/her! The baby looks like a little person now- it's crazy! We could see a perfect silhouette of the face, and I could see that the spine looks perfect. I could even tell that the baby has Dan's chin! He/she was moving around, and it was so cool. It was worth being freaked out for a couple of minutes to get to see the baby, when that wasn't originally part of the plan. The next ultrasound won't be until week 20, so, unfortunately Dan won't be able to see the baby again until then. He was kinda upset to hear that we got to see it, when he was at work, since it was only a monthly check-up, and there was no reason for him to go and miss work. And they didn't give me a print out of the picture, so it's not like I could show him what he missed. I tried to draw it yesterday, but it was BAD! LOL!
Then, after the appointment, I went to my friends house and we had lunch and she loaned me a BUTTLOAD of maternity clothes! It will really save us a lot of money, which is nice! Dan was surprised at the amount of clothes I came home with. I'll really only have to buy a couple of pairs of shorts once it warms up. Oh- and a bathing suit, of course. I can't wait to float around my mom's pool. That will be awesome. Bring on the summer!