Nathan was two months old this past Saturday, and we took him to his first party! It was a Halloween party my friend had for her friends' kids. It was cool. Nathan was dressed as a monkey- it was so cute! We stopped at my mom's house on the way to the party so she could check him out in his costume. I'll have to get him into it again to get a good picture, b/c when we had the ears on his head and took a picture at my mom's house, he wasn't into it. I think it was a little warm for him at that moment, and he also happened to be tired. But he looked awesome anyway. Most of our time at the party we were trying to get him to take a nap, so we weren't able to do much socializing. But it was difficult b/c he seemed to be interested in all of the small, loud people he was seeing in these strange outfits! We were invited to another Halloween party this weekend and my cousin's. She has one every year. The thing with that one is that we are supposed to dress up as well. I don't know what we'd be, and I really can't afford to go out and buy something. We may just go for a little bit so she can meet Nathan. It depends on how the day goes. Hopefully we won't get kicked out for not wearing a costume! Anyway, here's a picture of our little monkey. He's not too happy with us!