Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Beach
Over the weekend, we took Nathan down the shore for the first time. We were looking for a place to stay on our summer vacation. We found a great duplex- top level, big deck, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, not that we need all that. But it's got a big living area/kitchen/dining room with a cathedral ceiling, it's in a nice location, and we are very excited about it. After we were done looking, we went to the beach, and Nathan just loved it! As soon as we got to the beach, he started dancing and jumping around it his father's arms! He was laughing and smiling. I think he's going to enjoy the shore. Here's what he looked like:

Friday, February 22, 2008
6 Months Old!
Hello! Nathan has been keeping me real busy, so I haven't been on here much lately. But, on the 20th, he turned six months old! How about that? Crazy, right? He is now starting to try and scoot around on his belly, especially if there's a toy just out of his reach. Soon he will be crawling, and it's making me nervous! He had his checkup on the 20th, and he weighs 17 lbs 3 oz and is 28 inches long! No wonder my back is killing me! He's eating pretty much everything that's put in front of him, too. For a while he was screaming a lot throughout the day, for different reasons, especially at dinner when I can't heat up his food fast enough. But for the past few days, he's been screaming less and babbling more. He really likes to give raspberries, too. It was funny- we visited Aunt Alexa and her son Cristian the other day, and Nathan was showing us how he can do the raspberries, and Cristian, who will be two in May, kept making the sign for "more"! It was so cute! He wanted Nathan to keep doing it, but didn't get that he's not really going to do it on command. Nathan had fun watching Cristian play and was doing a great job on Cristian's little piano toy. I guess I'll have to get him one of his own.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Dinner Time= Messy Time
Nate has now figured out that he can scream at the top of his lungs. During dinner is when he usually does it. This is when he also likes to make raspberries, which is rather messy since he does it after he takes a spoonfull of squash or some other colorful food! He's gotten Dan and me in the face a few times! I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's very difficult. The boy is just so darn entertaining!
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