Monday, June 9, 2008

This Kid Loves to Scare Me

The other day, Nate and I were out on a little walk, and stopped to talk to our neighbors at the swing set, and then came back to the porch so I could water some flowers. Now, we have some big arborvitae trees next to our porch, and whenever Nate is close to it, he grabs some leaves, or needley thingies off the one he can reach. So, I always park him a few feet away from the tree so he can't so this. Well, we went inside, and he was playing in our borrowed excersaucer (Thanks, Adrienne!) and he started to cough. His face went red, which is nothing new, since he chokes on his own saliva a lot of times. As I was looking at him and asking what was wrong, he let out two little projectile pukes! In one of the little puddles, I saw a little piece of arborvitae! What the?! I have no idea how he could have gotten it! It was about an inch long, and they're pretty narrow. But, I couldn't believe he got that one past me! I have been watching this kid like a hawk, but it doesn't seem to be enough! Jeez!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hello! Here's just a few pictures of Nate. The first one is actually from a little while ago. April 22nd, to be exact. It was my birthday, and as a treat for me, we put up his new swing and he had a blast!

May 10th, at our friend Cristian's 2nd Birthday party. Nate's first time wearing such a hat. What a trooper!

This was May 20th, and he was nine months old, and giving some hugs to his buddies at Grandmom's:

He's babbling a lot, and saying "Dada, Ya, Baba" and jibber jabber like that. He said "Mama" once, but not really since then. Isn't that always the way? He sees me all day, and just wants to talk about Dada all the time!