Wednesday, December 5, 2007
You wanna know something I'm pretty good at, and I actually enjoy? Using that booger bulb thingy to remove the boogies from Nate's nose. Am I crazy, or what? He actually seems happy when I'm doing it, too, b/c he is usually smiling, and trying to work with me so I can clear the path for air to get through. It's like he knows what I'm doing! What a genius!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A Reunion
I'm so bad at this updating thing! Ok! Another cool thing that Nathan got to be a part of recently was a reunion with people from my high school marching band last month. Every five years, my high school has a reunion for all of us former "band geeks" and we get together and play a few songs at the school's competition. I play the trumpet, although now it's only about every five years that I take it out! It's very cool to get to see old friends, and friends I am still in touch with. I made some of my more lasting friendships in marching band. I was hoping at the last reunion that this time Dan would be there with our children, or child. We just made it under the wire! Nathan got to hear us play a little bit when we were at the tail end of our practice in the afternoon. He also got to meet some of my friends he hadn't yet. I knew it would be too cold for him to come back that night, so Dan took him home with him before the show. We didn't perform until 10pm! We did get to go out to lunch, just the two of us, thanks to my mother. We were going to stop by so she could see Nathan, and she told us to go out and she'd watch him for us. It was nice to go out like that with Dan, even if it was just for an hour or so. We hadn't done that since I gave birth! I was going to go out to a local bar with the group after the show, but it was way too late. It was a fun day, though. And I'm so glad Nathan got to be there for part of it.
Here's me and Sue:
My tired boy:
Friday, November 23, 2007
Our Adventure in Scranton
Well, Nate is now three months old, and we've been a bit busy lately. A couple of weeks ago, we decided to try and catch a little bit of the 'The Office' convention, which took place up in Scranton, Pa. It went on from Friday to Sunday, but it rained on Saturday, so we didn't want to take him out in that. We drove up on Sunday, drove around the town for a little while trying to find where it was actually taking place. It was supposed to be at the University of Scranton. We were thinking we'd just park somewhere on campus and walk around, since there was supposed to be a festival "all through town." The website said that fourteen characters from the show would be there, and we may see them around town. That's the whole reason we went, b/c we didn't want to spend a lot of money and go into any of the festivities that weren't free. We figured we'd at least get up close and personal with one of our favorite cast members and maybe get an autograph. As we were looking for a place to park, I noticed three of the cast members walking along the sidewalk! I was so excited! It was Oscar, Meredith and Creed. I shouted out to them, along with a "Woo!" Well, after a bit of driving, we finally found this one section where a band was playing and a couple of tents were up, and some vendors were set up. That was it. A few people were standing around, enjoying the local band, and we walked around a little bit. It was pretty cold, so after a little while we headed back to the car. I had to feed Nathan in the car for the first time. I never knew how comfy I'd be feeding him while we were out and about, but I didn't care. I just knew he needed it right then, and I figured why mix up some formula and make him wait longer when I can provide the food? For free. Since then I've fed him five other times in the car. It's not the most comfy place, but it works!
After we left the "festival" we decided to drive across town to the next place the cast members and writers were going to be. There is this train and trolley museum, and they were having a wardrobe exhibit there. We would have had to pay to get in, so we just walked around outside and looked at the huge trains they had, and got some pictures. Man, are we cheap! We didn't see anyone, so then it was off to our last stop- the Steamtown Mall. I got excited when we saw a crowd gathered in the middle of the mall, but alas, it was something for America's next top model or some such stupid crap. I did get a picture of myself in front of a cardboard cutout of the cast of 'The Office', which was nice! LOL!
After we left the "festival" we decided to drive across town to the next place the cast members and writers were going to be. There is this train and trolley museum, and they were having a wardrobe exhibit there. We would have had to pay to get in, so we just walked around outside and looked at the huge trains they had, and got some pictures. Man, are we cheap! We didn't see anyone, so then it was off to our last stop- the Steamtown Mall. I got excited when we saw a crowd gathered in the middle of the mall, but alas, it was something for America's next top model or some such stupid crap. I did get a picture of myself in front of a cardboard cutout of the cast of 'The Office', which was nice! LOL!
This was a view at the museum, with an incorrect date on the camera! Arrrggg!:
And this is me and the boy in a parking garage in Scranton! Yippee!:
Monday, October 22, 2007
Two Months! Time Flies!
Nathan was two months old this past Saturday, and we took him to his first party! It was a Halloween party my friend had for her friends' kids. It was cool. Nathan was dressed as a monkey- it was so cute! We stopped at my mom's house on the way to the party so she could check him out in his costume. I'll have to get him into it again to get a good picture, b/c when we had the ears on his head and took a picture at my mom's house, he wasn't into it. I think it was a little warm for him at that moment, and he also happened to be tired. But he looked awesome anyway. Most of our time at the party we were trying to get him to take a nap, so we weren't able to do much socializing. But it was difficult b/c he seemed to be interested in all of the small, loud people he was seeing in these strange outfits! We were invited to another Halloween party this weekend and my cousin's. She has one every year. The thing with that one is that we are supposed to dress up as well. I don't know what we'd be, and I really can't afford to go out and buy something. We may just go for a little bit so she can meet Nathan. It depends on how the day goes. Hopefully we won't get kicked out for not wearing a costume! Anyway, here's a picture of our little monkey. He's not too happy with us!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Five Weeks Old
I know I'm a bit late, but he was a month old last week! And things are going well! Nathan and I are getting to know each other a bit more, and he's not as fussy lately. He's been getting up twice during the night, although the second time is 6 am, which is not really night, but it feels like it! I have been trying to get him to go back to sleep, but before you know it, he's charming me with his smiles and coos as the sun is coming up! I can barely get on the computer to update, since when he's sleeping, I need to get stuff done around the house.
Dan and I took him to a local park this past Sunday, and that was nice. He did start to get cranky, though. I think it was a bit warm out for him and he had had enough. It was funny, too. Here he is, crying at the top of his lungs while we're trying to get back to the car as fast as we could, and this woman comes up to us and wants to see him. "Real quick," she says. Real quick, my foot! Don't mind us, we're just trying to get out of here so we can feed our baby, and maybe hit the bathroom while we're at it! It's funny how when you have a baby with you, strangers want to talk to you all of a sudden. They didn't give a crap about me before! I wish they'd just do what I do, and glance over and give a smile, and end it there! I'm so social, aren't I? Well, here he is last week. What a cutie!
Dan and I took him to a local park this past Sunday, and that was nice. He did start to get cranky, though. I think it was a bit warm out for him and he had had enough. It was funny, too. Here he is, crying at the top of his lungs while we're trying to get back to the car as fast as we could, and this woman comes up to us and wants to see him. "Real quick," she says. Real quick, my foot! Don't mind us, we're just trying to get out of here so we can feed our baby, and maybe hit the bathroom while we're at it! It's funny how when you have a baby with you, strangers want to talk to you all of a sudden. They didn't give a crap about me before! I wish they'd just do what I do, and glance over and give a smile, and end it there! I'm so social, aren't I? Well, here he is last week. What a cutie!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Three Week Update
Well, I haven't had much time to myself to get on the computer, but I have put some pictures up online, which is more important, I think. The few people who read this all have gotten the link, I believe. Nathan is doing well, although he has been a bit cranky lately, and we don't always know what he wants, which is frustrating! He came home from the hospital with some jaundice, and it has cleared up as of two weeks ago, which is great. He was looking pretty yellow for a while. The pediatrician told me not to breastfeed during the first few days my milk was actually in, which was also frustrating. But now we are both trying to figure out this feeding situation. He's a very hungry boy!
Dan has been very good with him, being the one who takes care of Nathan when he's up too long in the middle of the night when he should be sleeping. He says he'd rather deal with it and let me get some sleep, since I am home with him all day. What a Sweetie! I do feel bad, though, when Dan is trying to calm him down for a couple of hours and it seems like nothing is working. My mother has come up a few times to visit and/or watch Nathan so I can run and errand or two, so he's getting to know his Grandmom. And, of course, she takes plenty of pictures of him each time she's here. I must go try and get some laundry done while he's still sleeping. I'll check in when I can.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
It's a Boy!

Well, we are home from the hospital, and have brought home our baby boy! Nathan Daniel was born at 5:45pm on Monday, August 20th. He weighed 10 lbs. 5 oz and is 21.5 inches tall! Whoa, boy! I just can't believe I did it without needing a c-section. I will put up more pictures later, but I hear someone in the distance who needs to be fed...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Induction! Yippee!
Ok. I went to the Dr.'s this morning, quite nervous, and found out my fate. The baby hasn't dropped yet, and my cervix isn't dilated, although it is thinning and softening a bit. So, he set me up to be induced on Sunday night. I just hope the beds aren't too uncomfortable. It kinda sucks that I have to go in at night, and then wait for the drugs to work. I'd much rather sleep in my own bed. Oh well.
It was weird. I was thinking about my grandmother, who's been gone for 3-and-a-half years, on the way to the Dr.'s office. Right then, this song that reminds me of her, which I never hear on the radio anymore, came on. I just started crying right there. I think she was trying to tell me to chill and that everything will be ok.
I just can't believe the baby is coming in a few days. It's kinda crazy knowing when it's happening, as opposed to having my water break the old fashioned way. I think it makes me a little more nervous to know when I'm going to the hospital, though. A big part of me thinks I'll end up with a C-section. This baby is a porker! I just hope the drugs work! Wish me luck! We'll have a baby soon!
It was weird. I was thinking about my grandmother, who's been gone for 3-and-a-half years, on the way to the Dr.'s office. Right then, this song that reminds me of her, which I never hear on the radio anymore, came on. I just started crying right there. I think she was trying to tell me to chill and that everything will be ok.
I just can't believe the baby is coming in a few days. It's kinda crazy knowing when it's happening, as opposed to having my water break the old fashioned way. I think it makes me a little more nervous to know when I'm going to the hospital, though. A big part of me thinks I'll end up with a C-section. This baby is a porker! I just hope the drugs work! Wish me luck! We'll have a baby soon!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Still Pregnant!
There's been a lot going on in the past couple of weeks, and I haven't been able to report any of it, since our computer was out of commission for over a week. That was bad. The same day it crashed, we were at a gathering at the in-laws, and my car wouldn't start when we were ready to go home, so we had to spend the night at their house. Then, since it was due for an inspection anyway, I was stranded at home without a car, or internet for the next couple of days. That's when I got my car back, but still no internet. I was just itching to get out of the house, though. We have the baby's room all done and ready to be lived in, though. Dan put up a new bi fold closet door, and a couple of shelves for over the dresser, and hung a mirror. And I got a picture hung on the wall, along with a pelican hanging from the ceiling (he "flies" when you pull the string hanging from him). We now have our rocking chair, and a cushion that seems to work for the chair, and I purchased a foot stool that is slanted, so it's more comfortable for my back during breastfeeding. I also ordered a closet pole that comes with straps which hangs from the original closet pole, so we have about double the storage in there.
As for the baby's birthday, it should be any day now. As of last week, I was not dilating, and since they think the baby's pretty big, they sent me for an ultrasound and a measurement of my pelvis, to see if I'll have to have a C-section or not. Well, the tests were yesterday, and it shows the baby IS pretty big. They are guessing 9 lbs. 7oz., but it could be off by a pound in either direction. Holy cow! What a porker! But, it seems that I should be big enough to handle it, so we'll see. The doctor says he wants to move my next appointment up a day and he's going to see if we need to induce. I'd rather be induced than have a C-section, even though I know it will be harder than going into labor naturally. But, who knows how long this kid wants to stay in it's cozy little home it's in. We can't wait too long, since he/she's so big. I'll find out tomorrow, I guess, at my appointment.
Ok, that was written yesterday, and I just had my appointment. It turns out that my cervix is not dilating, nor has the baby dropped, which means that they aren't going to induce me at this point. I am kind of relieved, even though I am very uncomfortable. Dr. said he'll see me next week, and if I haven't made any progress at that point, I can have a C-section, since the baby is going to be very big, and laboring the old fashioned way may be too difficult. We'll see.
As for the baby's birthday, it should be any day now. As of last week, I was not dilating, and since they think the baby's pretty big, they sent me for an ultrasound and a measurement of my pelvis, to see if I'll have to have a C-section or not. Well, the tests were yesterday, and it shows the baby IS pretty big. They are guessing 9 lbs. 7oz., but it could be off by a pound in either direction. Holy cow! What a porker! But, it seems that I should be big enough to handle it, so we'll see. The doctor says he wants to move my next appointment up a day and he's going to see if we need to induce. I'd rather be induced than have a C-section, even though I know it will be harder than going into labor naturally. But, who knows how long this kid wants to stay in it's cozy little home it's in. We can't wait too long, since he/she's so big. I'll find out tomorrow, I guess, at my appointment.
Ok, that was written yesterday, and I just had my appointment. It turns out that my cervix is not dilating, nor has the baby dropped, which means that they aren't going to induce me at this point. I am kind of relieved, even though I am very uncomfortable. Dr. said he'll see me next week, and if I haven't made any progress at that point, I can have a C-section, since the baby is going to be very big, and laboring the old fashioned way may be too difficult. We'll see.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Appointment
I forgot to mention that at my doctor's appointment last week, July 12, the Dr. told me she thinks the baby weighs about 6.5 lbs.! Holy mackerel!! The other doctor I had seen two weeks prior told me this would be a big baby, but wow! Dan and I were both big babies, and I hear that may have something to do with it. I just hope I don't have to have a C-section b/c the baby's too big! I have another appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what they have to say about the size then.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
My Shower
So, this weekend was very busy for us. We had two parties to go to Saturday, and then had planned on going up to the cabin in the Poconos to drop off a table and a hammock. The table is making way for a pack n' play for the baby. I didn't want to wait too much longer to make the day trip, since sitting in the car is getting uncomfortable. Well, before my friends "Bar-b-q" at 3, Dan and I had to stop by my mom's to drop off something my step-father needed from Dan (he's a banker dude). So, I figured we'd go there about an hour early so I could float around in the pool for a few minutes before Alexa's B-b-q. When we pulled up, I saw my mom standing outside of the house, and my Aunt, who lives over four hours away, standing at the curb, talking to someone in a car. Well, I figured out that this was actually my shower, and I realised I had no make-up on, and told Dan to keep driving! LOL! I couldn't believe it! I was convinced that it was the following weekend, and that this was actually the day of Alexa's shindig. Turns out that it was all a plan to get me into the area. I didn't think I would be surprised, but they actually pulled it off! My other friend, Adrienne, had told me she was going to be down the shore until later that day, so it didn't occur to me that it would be that day, b/c I know she wouldn't miss my shower. Well played, girls!
It was so hot, and when I got into the house, everyone was sitting in the room with all the loot, and I was told to sit down and get the show on the road. It's a good thing I wasn't hungry! And I don't know what would have happened if the other half of the people that were invited had shown up! We were running out of room! The baby seemed excited, since he/she was kicking me the whole time I was opening the gifts! It made it quite difficult to lean over and reach for a gift. Crazy kid!
There were a few people I had expected to see there, and that was pretty disappointing, especially since some of them never even RSVPed. That makes me feel very unimportant, you know? You may think I take things too personally, but how else should I take it?
I got a lot of good stuff, though, and today my mother is bringing the rest of it up to me, since we couldn't fit it all in the car. We have a Jeep, but it was low on gas, and we were running late, so we took Dan's car. I can't wait to play with my travel system and pack n' play! And wash all of those cute clothes we got.
The second party we went to was still a real party, so at about 9, after I finally jumped in the pool to cool off, we arrived there to see some people I went to high school with. That was neat. As we were leaving, though, I turned my ankle going from the grass to the driveway, since it was rather dark, and I am clumsy these days anyway. I landed on my knee and braced myself with my hand, so it's not like I landed on my belly, but it was a little scary. Now, my ankle is just a bit achy and a little swollen, and yesterday it was very big, although I didn't notice that until we were up at the cabin, and I happened to look down. I even got Dan to take a picture of the feet to compare them! I'm strange.
So, there are no pictures from the shower yet, but when I get some, I'll put up a couple. Now I just can't wait to use all this stuff we got on Saturday! The baby will be here before we know it!
It was so hot, and when I got into the house, everyone was sitting in the room with all the loot, and I was told to sit down and get the show on the road. It's a good thing I wasn't hungry! And I don't know what would have happened if the other half of the people that were invited had shown up! We were running out of room! The baby seemed excited, since he/she was kicking me the whole time I was opening the gifts! It made it quite difficult to lean over and reach for a gift. Crazy kid!
There were a few people I had expected to see there, and that was pretty disappointing, especially since some of them never even RSVPed. That makes me feel very unimportant, you know? You may think I take things too personally, but how else should I take it?
I got a lot of good stuff, though, and today my mother is bringing the rest of it up to me, since we couldn't fit it all in the car. We have a Jeep, but it was low on gas, and we were running late, so we took Dan's car. I can't wait to play with my travel system and pack n' play! And wash all of those cute clothes we got.
The second party we went to was still a real party, so at about 9, after I finally jumped in the pool to cool off, we arrived there to see some people I went to high school with. That was neat. As we were leaving, though, I turned my ankle going from the grass to the driveway, since it was rather dark, and I am clumsy these days anyway. I landed on my knee and braced myself with my hand, so it's not like I landed on my belly, but it was a little scary. Now, my ankle is just a bit achy and a little swollen, and yesterday it was very big, although I didn't notice that until we were up at the cabin, and I happened to look down. I even got Dan to take a picture of the feet to compare them! I'm strange.
So, there are no pictures from the shower yet, but when I get some, I'll put up a couple. Now I just can't wait to use all this stuff we got on Saturday! The baby will be here before we know it!

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Birthing Class Graduates!
We had our final Birthing Class last night, which is cool. We still have two nights of a newborn class to take in July. Last night, though, we got to play with a doll that would cry, coo, and sleep. We got to practice swaddling a baby. Dan got to put on the empathy belly! He was the final guy to do it. I think all the men stepped up and tried it on for an hour or so. Here's a picture of him looking sexy! And my belly still looks a little smaller than his, I think!

Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Belly!
Since I am finally looking preggers, and not just bloated, I figured I'd put a picture of the belly up. Here it is!

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Here They Are!
Here are some pictures of the dresser and crib. I just loved getting the bedding into the crib! I keep walking into the room everyday, just to look at it. I found Dan in there last night, too, doing the same thing!

Ginger's found a new hiding place, too!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
No Pics Yet
The reason I have yet to put a picture of the dresser up is my dumb camera. It drains batteries like crazy, and I have been searching my house for some AAs without success. One of these days I will remember to buy some more.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Cool Dream
Has anyone ever seen that picture of the pregnant belly with the perfect outline of a baby's foot showing right beneath the skin? Well, a couple of nights ago, during sleepy time, the baby was kicking me a lot. This must have contributed to the following dream. I dreamt that I could see the outline of one of the baby's hands towards the top of my belly. It was freaky! The feeling was so vivid, too, probably since I was being kicked or punched at the time. I remember giving the baby a high five several times, too. It was so cool!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
It's Here!
We got the furniture yesterday! I love it! I think the wood goes well with the room and the bedding set. The crib is still in the box, but we should have that together this weekend, hopefully. I'll put a picture up tomorrow. I have been filling up the drawers with the clothes I have and just hanging out in the room because it's just so darn cool to see it in there! I'm planning on buying my birthday present tomorrow- a camcorder. I can't wait to record Dan and me putting the crib together. That will be comical!
Monday, April 30, 2007
No Furniture Yet
Well, I got my hopes up for nothing. The delivery people had set up an appointment for anytime between 1 and 5. We had already made reservations for dinner at 5:30. We thought we'd be good. That was my first mistake. They called at around 3:30, asking for directions to our house. They also said they were running a little behind, and maybe wouldn't be at our house until closer to 6. Well, the restaurant was right down the street from our house, so Dan said he'd stay behind to receive the delivery. My parents picked me up, and we waited, while I was about to scream b/c my hubby wasn't at dinner with us. At about 5:50, he called and told me the delivery men were still about 45 minutes away, and still had to get our furniture from the store before heading to our house! He told them to reschedule, and met us at dinner. We were so bummed. Hopefully we'll get it any day now. I just want to start filling up the dresser with the clothes I already have. I'll get a picture up when it's here.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Our Furniture!
Dan made an appointment today for our baby furniture to be delivered tomorrow between 1 and 5! Yay! My mother, brother and I all have our birthdays in April, so we're going out for dinner to celebrate. And after the restaurant, they're supposed to come over our house for cake and ice cream, so they'll get to see it! Yay! They'll also get to see my messy house! Boo!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Finally, Some News!
I am pleased to say that we have our childbirth classes set up. The first is a five week course, one night a week, for two hours. It's Labor & Birth. It starts in three weeks. Then, for two nights, we have a newborn class. It should be fun. We also should be getting our furniture any day now! It's taken longer than we thought. I am just looking forward to having it in the house! On a crappy note, I am having a lot of back pain, and I am taking an early leave of absence some time in May. Money will be tight, but I can't take that place much longer. The baby continues to kick and punch my insides, which is cool. I don't like it when he/she's quiet for too long. I've been saying 'he' a lot lately when referring to the baby, b/c I have a feeling we're having a boy, but we shall see. That's all for now. Rock on!
Monday, April 9, 2007
An Active Baby
I have been feeling the baby move on and off everyday now, and it's really cool! But, usually when I tell Dan to put his hand on my belly, the baby stops moving. Well, yesterday, Easter morning, I told him to give it a try, since the baby was being very active. As soon as he put his hand on my belly, he felt a kick! Or it could have been a punch, I don't know. But it was the coolest thing! Dan is so excited to be a Daddy. It's great to see him so happy. I hope everyone had a great Easter!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
My Klutzy Self
The one thing I don't enjoy about pregnancy is how klutzy I have been. The following is a list of things I have either done to myself or broken:
1. A Rolling Rock pint glass I've had for ten years. Luckily I have a spare.
2. A glass vase, which went all over the kitchen floor, even though I broke it on the counter.
3. Poured about 3/4 cup of cereal and milk down the front of me. Had Dan's sweatshirt on, so I didn't feel a thing.
4. Walked into a wheel barrow at work.
5. Ran into walls many times at home. Our next house should have wider doorways!
As this list grows, I will be updating it. Let's hope it doesn't get too long!
1. A Rolling Rock pint glass I've had for ten years. Luckily I have a spare.
2. A glass vase, which went all over the kitchen floor, even though I broke it on the counter.
3. Poured about 3/4 cup of cereal and milk down the front of me. Had Dan's sweatshirt on, so I didn't feel a thing.
4. Walked into a wheel barrow at work.
5. Ran into walls many times at home. Our next house should have wider doorways!
As this list grows, I will be updating it. Let's hope it doesn't get too long!
We Ordered the Furniture!
Well, we ordered our furniture for the baby's room the other night! It should be here in no more than two weeks. Of course, we had a trainee place our order, so it took longer and we assumed something would get screwed up. It should be fine. Then, another trainee rang us up, which took forever, since the people in front of us seemed to be getting everything they'll ever need for their baby. We just have bad luck when it comes to this stuff, like dealing with people outside of our house! Anyway, the furniture was on sale, which was nice. I just can't wait until it comes. I told Dan he should spend the $25.00 to have them assemble the crib, but he says he'll handle it. I've never heard a good crib assembly story, so we'll see!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
20 Weeks!
We're half way there! Yay! I am pretty sure I can feel movement every night now, which is cool. My mother took me shopping yesterday for some maternity clothes, and now I am pretty much set for a while. I usually hate shopping for clothes, but not these kind!
Friday, March 23, 2007
It's a Baby!
On Wednesday night, we went in for our ultrasound. It went great! She was looking around in there for a while. A little more than a half hour, I think. We got to see all of the major organs, bones, and the baby was very active. The heart was doing it's thing at 153BPM. The baby was facing us for most of the time. Towards the end, she had me lay on my side, so the baby might move and we could see the profile. We didn't get the clearest view of the side, but saw that the baby was sucking it's thumb! It was cool! She was surprised I couldn't feel all of the movement that was going on in there. It seems that the baby will be more active when I am still, and when walking around, it will be lulled to sleep. Good to know for when it's keeping me up all night later on in the pregnancy. I'll just get out of bed and bounce up and down, and maybe it will go to sleep!
When we went in, we told her that we didn't want to know the sex. It was hard, though, not looking when she went to that area. She said it was clear what the sex was. I decided that for the next baby I would like to know, just so we can see everything on the ultrasound. I didn't like missing anything. But, we'll be surprised, so that's cool. We couldn't believe how the face looked. It was kinda scary, really. We were saying he/she looks like Skeletor! It looked pissed off! But, the placenta and umbilical cord all look good, and it was just a really great experience. As I was looking at our baby, I felt a bit like a mother for the first time, and THAT was really cool!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Nursery Furniture
We found the furniture we like, at Babies R Us. It looks like Dan's parents are going to get it for us. That will help a lot. I don't know how much longer I'll be working, since I am having so much back and leg pain lately from being on my feet all day. And they don't seem to understand it when I ask to have only 20 hours max per week. I am scheduled for 34 next week. I know that's not going to happen. After an eight hour shift, I can't walk! Anyway, here's a picture of the collection. We'll only be getting the crib at the bottom of the picture, and the dresser. I don't see any need for an armoire, and we don't really have the room for it, anyway.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Ultrasound This Week!
We have an appointment for the ultrasound! It's Wednesday, March 21st. We can't wait! I think that recently I have been feeling a little something in my belly at night. Not sure though. They say it can feel like many different things, like fluttering, or air bubbles. But it will only happen once, and then when I wait for it to happen again, it doesn't. So, hopefully I will feel he/she moving very soon, and be sure about what I am feeling. That will be so cool!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Our Travel System
Last week, we purchased the travel system I picked out, since I had coupons which saved me 30 bucks. Actually, it saved my mom 30 bucks, since it will be from her. Boy, do I love coupons! Here it is- the Graco Quattro Tour in French Roast. Just the stroller is shown, but we have the car seat as well. I love it!

Another Appointment!
Hello! I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and this time, Dan went with me. He met my Doctor for the first time. We were hoping that she would have to get the sonogram machine out again, but, alas, we heard the heartbeat right away. Which is cool, of course, but I just wanted to see the bugger! It sounded so cool. About 150 beats per minute. We get to go in a couple of weeks for the 20 week ultrasound, so we're looking forward to that!
I had a quad screen blood test done on Monday, and since I am so impatient, I called the office yesterday to see how the results looked. Everything looks great! They could even tell how far along I am to the day!
Also, I recently brought a lamp into the baby's room that I've had forever. I love Winnie the Pooh, eventhough it doesn't match the bedding or anything. I don't care. Here it is:
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My Cousin's Baby Shower
Hello! I really haven't had anything exciting to report lately about the baby. Still waiting for movement I can feel. But, on the 17th, my mother and I went to my cousin's baby shower. That was cool. We got to see her new house she and her husband recently had built. It was so nice to be at a baby shower while I am pregnant. Very different than the past couple of years, when I was going to showers and trying not to cry. Anyway, Mindy should be having her baby girl any time now. How exciting! Here's me with Mindy:

Monday, February 12, 2007
I Saw the Baby!
This past Friday was an awesome day for me. I had my monthly check-up, and although I was a bit nervous that we'd find something was wrong, it was all good. I just worry b/c I don't really "feel" all that pregnant. The doctor tried to hear the heartbeat with a Doppler machine, and nothing was happening. I was freaking out inside, but trying not to show it. But, she said she had a sonogram machine we could use to check things out, and she didn't want to try for too long, so I wouldn't freak out. I didn't know they had a sonogram machine there. She told me not to expect it to be as high-tech as the one I am used to at the fertility clinic, but it would do the job.
She put the thingy on my belly, and after a second, we could see the little bugger! The heartbeat wasn't audible, but we could see the heart move. It was so awesome to see him/her! The baby looks like a little person now- it's crazy! We could see a perfect silhouette of the face, and I could see that the spine looks perfect. I could even tell that the baby has Dan's chin! He/she was moving around, and it was so cool. It was worth being freaked out for a couple of minutes to get to see the baby, when that wasn't originally part of the plan. The next ultrasound won't be until week 20, so, unfortunately Dan won't be able to see the baby again until then. He was kinda upset to hear that we got to see it, when he was at work, since it was only a monthly check-up, and there was no reason for him to go and miss work. And they didn't give me a print out of the picture, so it's not like I could show him what he missed. I tried to draw it yesterday, but it was BAD! LOL!
Then, after the appointment, I went to my friends house and we had lunch and she loaned me a BUTTLOAD of maternity clothes! It will really save us a lot of money, which is nice! Dan was surprised at the amount of clothes I came home with. I'll really only have to buy a couple of pairs of shorts once it warms up. Oh- and a bathing suit, of course. I can't wait to float around my mom's pool. That will be awesome. Bring on the summer!
She put the thingy on my belly, and after a second, we could see the little bugger! The heartbeat wasn't audible, but we could see the heart move. It was so awesome to see him/her! The baby looks like a little person now- it's crazy! We could see a perfect silhouette of the face, and I could see that the spine looks perfect. I could even tell that the baby has Dan's chin! He/she was moving around, and it was so cool. It was worth being freaked out for a couple of minutes to get to see the baby, when that wasn't originally part of the plan. The next ultrasound won't be until week 20, so, unfortunately Dan won't be able to see the baby again until then. He was kinda upset to hear that we got to see it, when he was at work, since it was only a monthly check-up, and there was no reason for him to go and miss work. And they didn't give me a print out of the picture, so it's not like I could show him what he missed. I tried to draw it yesterday, but it was BAD! LOL!
Then, after the appointment, I went to my friends house and we had lunch and she loaned me a BUTTLOAD of maternity clothes! It will really save us a lot of money, which is nice! Dan was surprised at the amount of clothes I came home with. I'll really only have to buy a couple of pairs of shorts once it warms up. Oh- and a bathing suit, of course. I can't wait to float around my mom's pool. That will be awesome. Bring on the summer!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Check This Out

How cute is this? I found this on clearance at Babies R Us, and got one for myself. Well, really for the baby, as I do not need a bib! Then, the next week, I saw they had gone down even cheaper, so I got two more. I know enough pregnant women, so I think I'll be able to find someone to give them to. I think the cheapest they went for was 90 cents! How could I resist?
Saturday, February 3, 2007
People Can Just Tell
I was quite surprised this week when two people who I haven't seen in a while both just "knew" that I'm pregnant. One was a woman I used to work with, who knows about the trouble we've had in the past. She just said, "Do you have a baby in there?" I was shocked! I told her, "yes! I didn't think I was showing yet." She said she could tell by looking at my face. I was like, "Oh, I have gained a bit of weight all over since I saw you last." She said, "No, you're glowing!" I have never seen it, but I guess it's there. Pretty cool! Then, two days later, my Chiropractor, who I hadn't seen in months, just came into the room, and said, "You're pregnant, aren't you?" I had a smile on my face, but I usually do when I see him. He told me I look happier than I had in a long time. It's crazy how people can just tell.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Baby Rock!
I found this website the other night, and it's so cool! It sells "baby rock records," which are albums of popular rock bands set to soothing music for baby's easy listening. What a great idea! I had already planned on making cd's of the more mellow songs of my favorite bands, but this is even better. And the cool thing is, the band selection is awesome. Led Zeppelin (my fave), Coldplay, Tool. Check it out and listen to the little clips- very neat!
Friday, January 26, 2007
I Bought It!
After checking countless stores, including the two biggest Targets in my area, and not finding the bouncer anywhere, I just bought it online. I saved a couple of dollars. Woo-Hoo. I was just scared that it wouldn't be available later on, so I had to act. Maybe when I get it next week I'll test it out by putting my smaller cat in it. I'm sure she'll love that!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sensory Selections Bouncer
There's this bouncy seat that I've seen and I love, and I can never find it in any store that the web says carries it. So, I've decided I'm going to just order it. I know, I should just register for it, and let someone else get it. But why do that if I see it on sale? I'd rather pay 30-something bucks for it than have someone else get it for 50, you know? It has ranged in price from 30.63 to 50.00 on these various sites. Of course, it was on sale last week on one of the sites, and now back up again. And Wal-Mart, who has it for the best price, is out of stock at the moment, of course! I wonder if that means they'll get it again, or what? Anyway, here's a picture of the cute little bouncer. (Baby NOT included!) They say babies see primary colors first, so I'm really into this one.

Sunday, January 21, 2007
I'm Not Feeling Too Shabby
It's weird. I haven't felt really sick to my stomach for a couple of weeks. It's kinda cool, but whenever Dan asks me how I am feeling, and I say, "good!", he is disappointed! It's like he'd rather I'd be heaving all the time. My mother tells me that she was never really sick during her pregnancies, so I'm probably just lucky like her. I am having a hard time with the whole eating smaller meals thing, though. They say you should eat smaller, more frequent meals, so you don't get too full, or too hungry in between meals, yadda yadda yadda.
So, here's what happens every day- I wake up pretty hungry, I eat some cereal or a begal, and then I usually take about two or three hours to digest it, so I don't really do much, b/c I am stuffed. Then, I get hungry again, and eat a small lunch, digest again for a few hours, and this is when I get really tired, and again I don't really do much. It's a good thing I am only working one or two days a week, b/c this is a crazy way to be! At dinner time, I usually don't have much of an appetite, and whatever I eat makes me feel so bloated, and I love to lay down at night to watch tv, b/c of course I am so tired by 7pm, but it takes hours for me to be able to do this after dinner. And Dan and I were just saying today that we can't wait until there's more proof that there's a baby in there, and my belly starts to stick out like it should. Come on, already! Show me something!
So, here's what happens every day- I wake up pretty hungry, I eat some cereal or a begal, and then I usually take about two or three hours to digest it, so I don't really do much, b/c I am stuffed. Then, I get hungry again, and eat a small lunch, digest again for a few hours, and this is when I get really tired, and again I don't really do much. It's a good thing I am only working one or two days a week, b/c this is a crazy way to be! At dinner time, I usually don't have much of an appetite, and whatever I eat makes me feel so bloated, and I love to lay down at night to watch tv, b/c of course I am so tired by 7pm, but it takes hours for me to be able to do this after dinner. And Dan and I were just saying today that we can't wait until there's more proof that there's a baby in there, and my belly starts to stick out like it should. Come on, already! Show me something!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My Ultrasound!

Friday, January 12, 2007
My First Appt. with OB
Well, I had my first check-up at my OB's office, and everything looks good on that end. My uterus is about the size of a grapefruit, which is wierd. My nurse practitioner, who has seen me more than any of the Dr.'s have, is leaving. So, I am a bit bummed. She was really excited for me, though, asking me how it happened and what not. I told her that it was b/c she gave me a prescription for Clomid, and it was on the month we WEREN'T spending the extra money on an IUI. She started shouting, "I got you pregnant!" It was funny. I told Dan, and he was amused. I assured him that he had a part in it, too. Boy, I am pooped! And now I am going to make some dinner. German meatballs with egg noodles. That's huge for me, considering my low energy level. At least I don't feel as gross as I did a couple of weeks ago.
My Crib Bedding Set
Good morning! I just came accross a picture of my crib bedding set that I took to show the girls on the TwoWeekWait website I am on often. I figured I'd share it with you. I have had it for over a year, and I found it online at It was on clearance, so it was a steal! I like the design b/c it's a bit retro looking, and I like green since we won't be finding out the sex of the baby.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
We Did It!
We're pregnant! And this time, things look great! We had our first ultrasound on December 15, and it was a wonderful Christmas present to see there was something in the correct place! We were so nervous, since the last two times we were in for an u/s during a pregnancy, they found nothing. The second u/s I went by myself, since Dan couldn't get off work. We heard the heartbeat for the first time, and the peanut had grown so much in two weeks! I couldn't believe it! The doctor said there was good blood flow, and you could see these two portions of the heart beating away.
I've been going to a Reproductive Specialist, who's doctors are very nice, and really seem to care about their patients. It's been a lot nicer going to the doctor's office to have the ultrasounds, since they tell you right away if things are good or not. When I would go to the hospital during my last pregnancies, we had a technician that really didn't know us, or tell us much of anything.
This morning, I went to my final u/s at my specialist, since they only see me through the first ten weeks or so. This time Dan went with me. It was the first time he got to hear the heartbeat, and he was thrilled! It was amazing how big the little peanut has gotten since the 28th of December! It doesn't really look like a peanut anymore! It actually was moving when we were looking at it. It was so cool! My doctor told me that he thinks my due date is Aug 14, and not the 17th, which is what the other doctor told me last time. The 14th seems more accurate to me. I go to my regular ob this Friday for the first real exam. I really like my ob office and my nurse practitioner, and it should be nice to show up there again, knowing I have a viable pregnancy this time. Once I get a scanner (yeah- I don't own a scanner!) I will put up the pictures they gave me so far of the little baby-to-be. It just amazes me how big he/she has gotten in such a short amount of time. It'll be August before I know it!
I've been going to a Reproductive Specialist, who's doctors are very nice, and really seem to care about their patients. It's been a lot nicer going to the doctor's office to have the ultrasounds, since they tell you right away if things are good or not. When I would go to the hospital during my last pregnancies, we had a technician that really didn't know us, or tell us much of anything.
This morning, I went to my final u/s at my specialist, since they only see me through the first ten weeks or so. This time Dan went with me. It was the first time he got to hear the heartbeat, and he was thrilled! It was amazing how big the little peanut has gotten since the 28th of December! It doesn't really look like a peanut anymore! It actually was moving when we were looking at it. It was so cool! My doctor told me that he thinks my due date is Aug 14, and not the 17th, which is what the other doctor told me last time. The 14th seems more accurate to me. I go to my regular ob this Friday for the first real exam. I really like my ob office and my nurse practitioner, and it should be nice to show up there again, knowing I have a viable pregnancy this time. Once I get a scanner (yeah- I don't own a scanner!) I will put up the pictures they gave me so far of the little baby-to-be. It just amazes me how big he/she has gotten in such a short amount of time. It'll be August before I know it!
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