On Wednesday night, we went in for our ultrasound. It went great! She was looking around in there for a while. A little more than a half hour, I think. We got to see all of the major organs, bones, and the baby was very active. The heart was doing it's thing at 153BPM. The baby was facing us for most of the time. Towards the end, she had me lay on my side, so the baby might move and we could see the profile. We didn't get the clearest view of the side, but saw that the baby was sucking it's thumb! It was cool! She was surprised I couldn't feel all of the movement that was going on in there. It seems that the baby will be more active when I am still, and when walking around, it will be lulled to sleep. Good to know for when it's keeping me up all night later on in the pregnancy. I'll just get out of bed and bounce up and down, and maybe it will go to sleep!
When we went in, we told her that we didn't want to know the sex. It was hard, though, not looking when she went to that area. She said it was clear what the sex was. I decided that for the next baby I would like to know, just so we can see everything on the ultrasound. I didn't like missing anything. But, we'll be surprised, so that's cool. We couldn't believe how the face looked. It was kinda scary, really. We were saying he/she looks like Skeletor! It looked pissed off! But, the placenta and umbilical cord all look good, and it was just a really great experience. As I was looking at our baby, I felt a bit like a mother for the first time, and THAT was really cool!

I finally registered. I find these pictures of my grandchild very exciting and very spooky. Keep up the good work. Mom
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