Friday, January 12, 2007

My First Appt. with OB

Well, I had my first check-up at my OB's office, and everything looks good on that end. My uterus is about the size of a grapefruit, which is wierd. My nurse practitioner, who has seen me more than any of the Dr.'s have, is leaving. So, I am a bit bummed. She was really excited for me, though, asking me how it happened and what not. I told her that it was b/c she gave me a prescription for Clomid, and it was on the month we WEREN'T spending the extra money on an IUI. She started shouting, "I got you pregnant!" It was funny. I told Dan, and he was amused. I assured him that he had a part in it, too. Boy, I am pooped! And now I am going to make some dinner. German meatballs with egg noodles. That's huge for me, considering my low energy level. At least I don't feel as gross as I did a couple of weeks ago.


1 comment:

Happy said...

WooHoo!!! I'm glad to hear that your appointment went well! Nice drawing of the two of you!!