Tuesday, January 9, 2007

We Did It!

We're pregnant! And this time, things look great! We had our first ultrasound on December 15, and it was a wonderful Christmas present to see there was something in the correct place! We were so nervous, since the last two times we were in for an u/s during a pregnancy, they found nothing. The second u/s I went by myself, since Dan couldn't get off work. We heard the heartbeat for the first time, and the peanut had grown so much in two weeks! I couldn't believe it! The doctor said there was good blood flow, and you could see these two portions of the heart beating away.

I've been going to a Reproductive Specialist, who's doctors are very nice, and really seem to care about their patients. It's been a lot nicer going to the doctor's office to have the ultrasounds, since they tell you right away if things are good or not. When I would go to the hospital during my last pregnancies, we had a technician that really didn't know us, or tell us much of anything.

This morning, I went to my final u/s at my specialist, since they only see me through the first ten weeks or so. This time Dan went with me. It was the first time he got to hear the heartbeat, and he was thrilled! It was amazing how big the little peanut has gotten since the 28th of December! It doesn't really look like a peanut anymore! It actually was moving when we were looking at it. It was so cool! My doctor told me that he thinks my due date is Aug 14, and not the 17th, which is what the other doctor told me last time. The 14th seems more accurate to me. I go to my regular ob this Friday for the first real exam. I really like my ob office and my nurse practitioner, and it should be nice to show up there again, knowing I have a viable pregnancy this time. Once I get a scanner (yeah- I don't own a scanner!) I will put up the pictures they gave me so far of the little baby-to-be. It just amazes me how big he/she has gotten in such a short amount of time. It'll be August before I know it!


Happy said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you two!! Do you guys want to find out the sex of the baby? I know that I would want to, mostly because I tend to be a little Type A and want to have it all the details planned out. BTW, if you guys need to get the baby stuff (& are on a budget)a childrens consignment shop is a good way to save a little.

Sue said...

I am so happy for you both, congratulations! There is nothing like seeing the little on on ultra sound and hearing the heartbeat! Enjoy every minute of the pregnancy, it will be over before you know it then you will have a little one to cherish!

Melissa said...

Hi Amy, Thanks for reading my blog - now I get to read yours. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It gives me some hope!!!